Welcome to the Plastic IQ Solutions Database,
a guide to technologies, strategies, and best practices for reducing plastic waste


References and further reading

(1)  Brizga, J., Hubacek, K., Fenga, K. (2020). The unintended side effects of bioplastics: carbon, land, and water footprints. (Link)

(2)   Godsbery, C., (2020). Market review of Bioplastics, Plastics Today. (Link)

(3)   Chen, G.-Q., Patel M.K. (2012). Plastics derived from biological sources: present and future: a technical and environmental review. Chemical Reviews 112(4), 2082-99. (Link)

(4)  Bioplastic Feedstock Alliance. (Link)

(5)  SPC Bioplastics. (Link)

(6)  WWF BFA Methodology. (Link)

(7)  USDA BioPreferred Policy. (Link)

(8)  USDA Checkoff Programs. (Link)

(9) The Chemical Recycling of PLA: A Review. (Link)

(10) SPC Ref: Understanding the Role of Compostable Packaging in North America. (Link)

(11)Plant Based Products Council. (Link)

(12) SPC Compostable Packaging Collaborative. (Link)

(13) One Step Closer Packaging Collaborative. (Link)

(14) Braskem LCA overview. (Link)

(15) Goldstein, N. (2020) “Compost Markets In The U.S.,” BioCycle. (Link)

(16) WRAP Compostable plastic packaging guidance. (Link)

(17) WWF Position Paper: Biobased and Biodegradable Plastic (2021). (Link)